On Thu, 30 Mar 2000 23:05:01 PST, Walter Ian Kaye <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
> And to do so does not necessarily require building an entire browser. 
> Since the input "widget" is just one part of a page, you only need to 
> prototype that one widget. You can do it in any RAD environment. Make 
> a background image that looks like part of a web page if you like, 
> and put your widget onto it. Build in your behaviors, then upload it 
> to the 'Net for people to try out. Bonus points if you can deploy to 
> multiple platforms (REALbasic is good;).

Extra bonus points if, while designing the widget, you keep straight
the distinction between "implementation and user interface" (what the
user sees, using THIS GUI toolkit, on THIS system), and "protocol" (what
string of bytes *on the network* is sent to/from your black-box widget).

There's a distinction between protocol and API.  A lot of different browsers
have implemented the HTML <select><option><option></select> construct,
and they LOOK and BEHAVE differently for the UI, but the octets on the
wire are the same.

                                Valdis Kletnieks
                                Operating Systems Analyst
                                Virginia Tech

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