Hi folks and all,

I think that as much conflicts that can be solved without the traditional
way: regulation + represion = burocracy + injustice, will be better for users.

Of course that always will remain Gansters that will require traditional
represion ways, i.e.:
At 02:25 02/04/00 +0300, Stephanos Piperoglou wrote:
>Cover your sensitive parts, because you're about to be hit by a big

But on privacy questions we can try first to give technical solutions, i.e.
ways  to follow stamped data to oversee companies behavior and then inform
users about it automaticaly when they get in contact with these
companies,..., well I donīt know which utilities will work, but I think is
worthy to try some before being driven to legal solutions that only will be
able to reapir damages not to avoid them.

Does anyone know about any woorking group about this, that cost least than
50.000 $?

Thank you,


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