2011/7/28 Barry Leiba <barryle...@computer.org>

> > You're going to ask attendees to self-identify as tourists and leave
> > the room?  Today's tourists may well become tomorrow's document
> > editors.
> ...
> > Let's just assign large enough rooms to BoFs and newly-formed WGs
> > so that the work can start in earnest.
> I agree.  If people are there paying attention, I want them there.
> Lots of people don't know whether they're going to commit to doing
> work until the end of the BoF, after they've heard all the stuff about
> problem statement, work scope, and proposed work items.

+1.  So far I came only to one IETF meeting.  At that time I attended (as a
"tourist," as you would call it) to a couple of BoF.  My motivation for
attending was that the BoF title sounded close enough to my interests and I
wanted to know something more about it. I could not say if I was willing to
be committed in contributing in the next-to-be WG by the title (and maybe a
brief abstract) only.  Keep also in mind that, although I participate as an
individual, I have an employer and I am not entirely free to decide if
contributing in some WG or not.  (If you are curious: it turned out that one
BoF was fairly orthogonal to my interests, while the other one was
sufficiently close so that I subscribed to the WG ML and spread the word
with few of my colleagues that are more interested in the matter).

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