On Fri Oct 28 15:48:50 2011, Richard L. Barnes wrote:
Cool idea.  I would hang out if other people did.

There are 5 people in hall...@jabber.ietf.org now. Hardly a critical mass, but it may be sufficient to count as "other people", at least.

+1 to using protocols other than email for ephemeral discussions such as these :)

For it to take over as the discussion venue of first resort, you really need a situation where mentioning something in the chatroom makes you feel like you've adequately vented. That implies you need not only a reasonable number of people, but the kind of people you wanted to raise the issue in front of.

Of course, we could even discuss this in hall...@jabber.ietf.org now.

Dave Cridland - mailto:d...@cridland.net - xmpp:d...@dave.cridland.net
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