On Fri Oct 28 21:50:40 2011, Brian E Carpenter wrote:
There's a reason we use email here. It's called time zones.
Jabber doesn't work when people are spread across all time

There are forum-style mechanisms that also avoid the time zone
problem, but I've never found them as convenient as threaded

Thank you, I had absolutely no idea that people didn't all come online throughout the world at precisely the same time. You know, this probably has an impact on various large-scale global services.

You'll note I have *not* said that we shouldn't use the mailing lists; I have said (and continue to maintain) that real-time chatrooms also have a place. Firstly, it's relatively commonplace to have some reasonable overlap between various groups of people - I'd even typically have at least an hour or two overlap with you, and you were (last Friday) 12 hours offset from me.

On top of that, chatroom setups used for continuous occupancy typically have a history which is replayed to new occupants when they join - XMPP does this too, and this can be sufficient for low-grade non-real-time communications. That said, I think our existing chatrooms are configured not to have history - presumably to avoid confusing when they're only used for three single weeks throughout the year.

Dave Cridland - mailto:d...@cridland.net - xmpp:d...@dave.cridland.net
 - acap://acap.dave.cridland.net/byowner/user/dwd/bookmarks/
 - http://dave.cridland.net/
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