On 27 Jul 2013, at 02:20, Phillip Hallam-Baker <hal...@gmail.com> wrote:

> If I had known this was taking place I might have made the trip to Berlin.
> I am very interested in the problem this tries to solve. I think it is the 
> wrong way to go about it but I am interested in the problem.
> The case for having some sort of local name discovery mechanism is clear in 
> both the enterprise and the home network. The case for that discovery 
> mechanism responding to DNS queries in the local namespace is equally clear.
> Thinking of this problem as how to clients configure their DNS entries is 
> completely the wrong way to go about it. Setting up a new network service 
> requires more than poking the DNS with a stick.

Phil, comments on draft-lynn-mdnsext-requirements are very welcome.

There should be a jabber realy who can forward remote comments to the mic.


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