On Jan 24, 2008 4:21 PM, Manoj Srivastava <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>         So, for a program that was US only (GOGO was not available
>  outside the US); and only a subset of those customers are affected, you
>  troll on an Indian LUG list?
>         Sorry, I find it very hard to buy your excuses.

I was not aware that it was US only.  In fact, I refute that claim.
Canada was also allowed to make orders.  Please verify your claim
please.  Also, I thought that it would affect some Indian Linux users.
 If it was not allowed G1G1 in India, then I apologize.  I hope that
you understand my intentions were to help people, and not to hurt
people.  Why is it that you are so upset?  Also, the OLPC project has
some information on their site which seems to corroborate my claims.


Additionally, yes, it does only affect a subset of customers.  But how
many know of the issue?  I don't understand the hostility from this
group in response to my posting...
Kristian Erik Hermansen
"Know something about everything and everything about something."

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