On Jan 24, 2008 4:59 PM, Karanbir Singh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> we dont like spammers who are going around posting FUD all over the
> internet. If you want to really make people aware of a situation that
> you have suffered - do so in a relevant forum. Its highly unlikely all
> the OLPC donors are going to come down to Delhi to see what the status
> of their shipment is.

If anyone is a spammer, it is you.  You continue a thread which is now
unrelated to anything about Linux.  I told you to email me.  Any
follow-ups to this thread publicly should be considered spamming on
your part.  The next answer is to appease your insatiable thirst for

> So, how many lists have you posted this issue to so far  ?

Kristian Erik Hermansen
"Know something about everything and everything about something."

ilugd mailinglist -- ilugd@lists.linux-delhi.org
Next Event: http://freed.in - February 22/23, 2008
Archives at: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.user-groups.linux.delhi 

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