>>>>> "Sandip" == Sandip Bhattacharya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Sandip> Raj, does this make you a DMCA kind of _criminal_? I
    Sandip> remember an article of yours in LJ about how to block ads
    Sandip> using Apache. Now if that is considered munition used to
    Sandip> "deprive" website owners of their ad revenue, you better
    Sandip> be careful while visiting U.S. ;)

    Sandip> Commercial greed is reaching new heights in the bastion of
    Sandip> capitalism.

I don't know if this is legislation yet -- just a few isolated
examples.  But if this catches on the RIAA and MPAA and various other
organisations would definitely get it made into legislation, and then,
yes, I might end up as a criminal in the US, along with the authors of
junkbuster and such software.  Well, at least I'd be in exalted
company :-)

Seriously, how far do you think greed would manage to survive?  Will
people stand for remote controls which don't allow you to switch
channels during ads?  Will they stand for a feedback mechanism which
tells the TV channel source when they get up and leave the room during
advertisements?  How about a minicamera which everyone has to carry
around which tells the network station whether the activities you're
indulging in while out of the room during ads are `legitimate' or not
(e.g. going to the bathroom to relieve yourself is OK, going to brush
your teeth is not)?

Someday greed is going to overreach itself, and then there'll be one
legislation which forbids some restrictions which content providers
are laying upon their consumers.  That one legislation will act as a
precedent for a whole slew of similar court cases and the content
providers will end up with the short end of the stick.  </oracle>

-- Raju

    Sandip> - Sandip

    Sandip> On Mon, May 06, 2002 at 10:26:00AM +0530, Raju Mathur
    Sandip> spoke out thus:
    >>  If you are reading this column in the newspaper, but did not
    >> read every article and look at every advertisement in previous
    >> sections, stop now. You must go back and look at all of that
    >> material before continuing with this column.
    >> If you are reading this column on the Web and did not go to the
    >> newspaper's home page first, stop now. Go to the home page and
    >> navigate through whatever sequence of links our page designers
    >> have created to reach this page, and don't you dare fail to
    >> look at the ads.

Raju Mathur          [EMAIL PROTECTED]           http://kandalaya.org/
                     It is the mind that moves

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