> does anyone knows a pdf writer for GNU/Linux.
> i tried writing a document in openoffice and converting it into pdf, but
> the links that i had put in my document do not work in pdf.
> i'm in  urgent need of  a pdf writer which allows me to create  the
> hyperlinks and the page
> links for the pdf file i'm creating.

I don't know of any way to generate PDF files using OO, but under Linux you
can use the following:
TeX with PDF output.
XSL-FO using FOP or a TeX based FO formatter. I have used this method, and I
am quite impressed by the results.

Both of these products require files to be in special formats, but if you
are creating your own content, then it can be a useful investment to study
these formats. Both of these methods use open standards, and you can get
various OSS software to work with them.

I am sure if you can get PDF files with hyperlinks using these software, but
if memory serves me right, FOP does support this feature.


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