> I have only been on the list for 2 days!!!  The only good thing I have
> observed, is that IPSwitch seems confident enough about their product to
> allow a loosely moderated discussion group like this to exist.


As a user of Imail for over 5 years and using it in an ISP environment, I
would strongly recommend Imail. And I have been vocal lately about some of
the problems I perceive with Ipswitch. You mentioned this list and this list
is one of the strongest reasons to purchase Imail!

Imail has one of the largest installed email server bases on the Internet.
And if memory serves me correctly, Imail is number one in the pay for
software mail server products. Sendmail is number one, but it is a free

You see a very vocal minority on this list. Good and bad, this is just a
small drop in the Imail installed base. For us, Imail has been a very stable
product. I can sleep at night and not worry if my mail server is going to
crash on me (although we run WhatsUp Gold and I carry a pager...).

Personally, the only real reason I have not upgraded to Imail version 7 is I
cannot convince my partners to spend the money on Killer Webmail Templates
(yet). And I refuse to go through and edit all of the web templates again!

BUT, Ipswitch did drop the ball on version 7 and way too many bugs were
present in the first releases. Some people are still having issues, but
there are many that will say that version 7 is working fine "for them".

My main complaint with Ipswitch's support is that they have too many
underlings and only 1 or 2 chiefs. The underlings know less than many of the
people on this list and trying to get your problem escalated to a tech with
more than 2 brain cells touching is a trial in patience to say the least.
Just do not use email support at all! Make a phone call and if the person
you talk to cannot fix the problem, demand to talk to his boss.

I would recommend lurking on this list for a bit longer. You will find as
many saints as jerks hang out here and they all have badges in plain sight!

And to answer a yet not asked question, we are using Scott's Declude for our
virus scanning and Len's IMGate for Spam filtering. Ron's Killer Webmail is
my next project. We do have a current support contract for all 3 of our
Ipswitch products (Imail unlimited, WhatsUp Gold and WS-FTP 10 pack site
license). Our contract does not end until May 2002, but at this time I plan
on renewing. (Disclaimer: May 2002 may bring a different story!).


Sheldon Koehler, Owner/Partner        http://www.tenforward.com
Ten Forward Communications      E-Commerce that makes sense!
360-457-9023                      http://www.tenforward.com/webcam

""Would you please continue the petty bickering?" Data, STTNG

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