On Wed, 22 Jan 2003, Cyrus Daboo wrote:
> It seems to me that the problem here is the requirement to keep the
> UIDVALIDITY the same when doing RENAME.

Where is that required?  What's required is that the last-assigned UID has
to be saved, unless the UIDVALIDITY changes.

> I propose the following solution: remove that constraint and require the
> renamed mailbox to get a new UIDVALIDITY value as if it were simply being
> created.

That's a way of solving the problem, since then the last-assigned UID
becomes moot.

> The only problem with this is the hierarchical rename because the
> uidvalidities on the child mailboxes will also be changed and I think it
> may be too much to have those new uidvalidities returned as untagged
> responses - particularly if the hierarchy is large.

Correct.  And since this should be atomic, this can effectively lock the
entire hierarchy for a substantial period of time while all this is being

> Its worth noting that the current rename behaviour is only of benefit to
> the client actually doing the rename. Other clients that connect after the
> rename will have no knowledge of what happened and will be forced to do a
> full resync of their caches for the new state.

Yup.  This is another issue that leads me to question the value of a

-- Mark --

Science does not emerge from voting, party politics, or public debate.

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