On 31 July 2013 16:01, Mircea Markus <mmar...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On 30 Jul 2013, at 23:12, Sanne Grinovero <sa...@infinispan.org> wrote:
>> My experience with transactions is limited, so I likely am missing on
>> some base concept, but I don't understand why the fact that it's
>> running on a different process is limiting in any form. We do that
>> regularly from appservers, queues, RDBMS's, ... ?
> It's limiting in the sense that we would have to build an XAResource bridge 
> on the node where the tx manager runs that delegates/bridges xa instructions 
> received from the transaction manager as RPCs to the xa cache store residing 
> on the remote node(s). This is a rather complicated approach and might 
> involve all the bridging RPCs to be sent in sequence which would hurt the 
> performance drastically.
> I think it's much nicer experience for the user to interact with ISPN as 
> whole as an XAResource instead of Infinispan exposing the fact that its store 
> might be XA as well.

Bottomline it's not impossible right?

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