> It doesn't. Thats the point. Currently the disk structure enforces a
> structure like user.username. I am changing this to domain.username
> (Not a TLD, just the first part. So andrew.cmu.edu will require
> user@andrew to login.)

Please do not drop the ".user." portion of the heirarchy unless you
plan to add ".shared_folders." to it.

domain.dom/user/username would my recommendation for the heirachy.

Also, when I did the same patch you are doing now for 1.6.24 source,
it wasn't enough just to find the "user" strings, you need to also
look for anything that adds 5 to the current string value.

The str_pointer + 5 usually menat the author was skipping the
"user." portion of the heirarchy.

The good news is that once the mailbox_lookup was programmed 
to return the correct mailboxname, and I found all the "user"
and "+5" references the code seemed to work without problem.

It was never production tested as 2.0 was released the 
following week and I didn't know how much of the codebase
had changed so never pursued reapplying the changes.

-- Michael --

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