On Fri, 20 Jul 2001, Michael Fair spewed into the ether:
> > It doesn't. Thats the point. Currently the disk structure enforces a
> > structure like user.username. I am changing this to domain.username
> > (Not a TLD, just the first part. So andrew.cmu.edu will require
> > user@andrew to login.)
> Please do not drop the ".user." portion of the heirarchy unless you
> plan to add ".shared_folders." to it.
Hmmm, will do.
What I am doing is s/user/domain in effect. Will this affect your

> domain.dom/user/username would my recommendation for the heirachy.
Sounds good too.

> Also, when I did the same patch you are doing now for 1.6.24 source,
> it wasn't enough just to find the "user" strings, you need to also
> look for anything that adds 5 to the current string value.
I saw that. I'm replacing  the + 5 by a strlen(domain), which I'll
probably move off to a single global variable (reduce the overhead).
> The good news is that once the mailbox_lookup was programmed 
> to return the correct mailboxname, and I found all the "user"
> and "+5" references the code seemed to work without problem.
This is good.

> It was never production tested as 2.0 was released the 
> following week and I didn't know how much of the codebase
> had changed so never pursued reapplying the changes.
Grrr :(. You should have released the patch. It might have made its way
into 2.0.x by now.

Devdas Bhagat
"We maintain that the very foundation of our way of life is what we call
free enterprise," said Cash McCall, "but when one of our citizens
show enough free enterprise to pile up a little of that profit, we do
our best to make him feel that he ought to be ashamed of himself."
                -- Cameron Hawley

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