On Fri, 20 Jul 2001, Ken Murchison spewed into the ether:
> The default Cyrus namespace is:
> * NAMESPACE (("INBOX." ".")) (("user." ".")) (("" "."))
> which means that to access another user's mailbox (ACL permitting) is
> would use 'user.username.folder'.
> Do you intend to change this to:
> * NAMESPACE (("INBOX." ".")) (("domain." ".")) (("" "."))
> for each domain?
Yes. Again, domain could be any string, so if i use the patch supplied
earlier to change the default separator from a "." to something else,
it should be much easier.

> Assuming that the entire point is to be able to have two or more people
> with the same userid on the same system (ie, [EMAIL PROTECTED],
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]), my HIERSEP code (soon to be Cyrus v2.1) will do this
> now, since each identifier will still be unique.  This will be treated
> as one big mailstore, so the public folders will be shared, and user in
> example.com could see folders in example.net.
Not always what we want. Again, the ISP scenario. example.com and
example.net belong to different people and there is no need for them
to see each other. What I want is a logical correlation between a login
name and an email address (simple enough for an AOL user to understand).
[Considering an AOL user to be the canonical example of stupidity,and
given the customer base I have encountered here, AOlers seem members of

It has to be either: 
1> Userid only
2> userid@domain
3> userid@fqdn
The third is what I'm finally aiming for, currently the code will be
doing 2. 
/me had a rather nasty power failure and lost a file, so expect a
patch (or a set of them) tomorrow morning against 2.0.15. Hopefully

> Potentially stupid question:
> If you truely want isolated domains on one server, why not just setup
> one imapd for each domain, listening on a unique IP addresses (via IP
> aliasing, etc), and have each imapd use a separate config file?  This
> would not require any changes to the code, and would keep the domains
> isolated from each other.
Thats simple. I don't have IP addresses to spare :). The same thing as
name based http hosting. Until I get IPv6, its multiple domains on a
single IP for me.

Devdas Bhagat
Anyone who imagines that all fruits ripen at the same time
as the strawberries, knows nothing about grapes.
                -- Philippus Paracelsus

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