On Thu, 2006-05-25 at 17:56 +1000, Bron Gondwana wrote:
> On Wed, 24 May 2006 12:44:42 -0400, "Ken Murchison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> > It looks like in my haste to make a release with the pop3d bugfix, it 
> > didn't do enough testing.  I'm seeing the same thing here,and I'm 
> > working on it.
> Is this a good spot to suggest branching from the last stable release
> (2.3.3 in this case) and just applying the bugfixes if HEAD is only
> half finished?

2.3 is beta branch. You want stable you go for 2.2.


Miroslaw "Psyborg" Jaworski
GCS/IT d- s+:+ a C++$ UBI++++$ P+++$ L- E--- W++(+++)$ N++ o+ K- w-- O-
M- V- PS+ PE++ Y+ PGP t 5? X+ R++ !tv b++(+++) DI++ D+ G e* h++ r+++ y?

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