Am 07.06.2017 um 03:08 schrieb brynn:
> If you're saying that Inkscape is supposed to detect what kind of screen
> is being used, and automatically set itself accordingly, that's
> something I've never heard of, or experienced.

- According to the program code, if width/height > 1.65, Inkscape will
switch to 'Wide' mode. You could try it out by removing / renaming your
preferences file. I suspect you have moved it from your old computer.
Let's stick to that for screenshots, it makes sense. If it doesn't work,
it's a bug.

>> It would be helpful if you could continue with renaming the images that
> do not need to be changed - i.e. the tool icons, or drawings without any
> text or menus shown.
> I haven't started yet.  I don't want to duplicate or waste work energy. 
> It seems like it would be less work all around, to just give appropriate
> names to the new screens and graphics, than to rename them all now, and
> upload whole new images to relace them later.  Or am I missing something
> about the plans and processes?

- We will delete some, and keep those that are good. If you don't want
to work on this, then we can add this to the task list, for someone else
to grab.
>> Can you go through the images, and rename all the files that will not be
> deleted, so they will be understandable when others look at them at
> Hackfest time?
> Wouldn't I need to work with C R (or whoever), to determine which are
> kept and which are replaced?  It seems like some level of coordination
> and communication should happen for this, rather than 2 different people
> going at it separately in different ways, possibly making incompatible
> decisions?

- CR is there for talking, but I trust that you can figure out if an
image is just a tool icon, or contains a drawing without text, and does
not need to be re-created. You might even use gimp to cut off some
French text. This would speed up manual creation quite a bit.
Improvements can be done later.

> By the way, why does it need to be ready for hackfest?  I was thinking
> the end of the year for a target publishing date, not 3 weeks!

- Ready as in 'translated' and ready to work on and test out for people
speaking English.

Kind Regards,

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