On Fri, May 15, 2015 at 11:24:55AM +0100, Derek Morton wrote:
> If ANDROID_HAS_CAIRO is not set, automatically add all
> kms tests to the skip_tests_list.
> Building for android currently fails due to the addition of
> new kms tests. Rather than just adding the new tests to the
> exclusion list, autogenerating a list of all kms tests and
> excluding them will reduce future maintainance.
> Signed-off-by: Derek Morton <derek.j.mor...@intel.com>

I can see a small flaw here: we don't run any i-g-t display test on
Android, that sounds like a really bad idea? cross-compiling cairo isn't
hard, what about adding cairo to the test builds?

Or are happy with not running any i-g-t display test? having coverage

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