Not sure if this functionality is there but....well if it was then I completely 
missed it...


If there's anything I personally would add to Intermapper, that would be to 
emulate one function of Cacti/MRTG. That being, to do a historical and a count.

What I mean by that is the "interface statistics" probe to have an extension to 
the "Transmit statistics" and "Receive statistics" subsections. Currently there 
are 5 different rows in there called:

Percent Err

Is it possible to add the following rows and functionalities:

1 minute total
1 hour total
1 day total
1 week total
1 month total
1 year total

I'm sure this won't take that much time to actually code out. I am however not 
sure if the database will require changes. I'm thinking not as all the 
information for this would already be in the database and all one would really 
have to do is just add functions to add totals for a given amount of time. 
Please also allow these to be graphable.

I believe with the addition of that it would put a LOT of MRTG functionality 
that isn't there (that I have found so far anyway) into Intermapper and 
therefore would make it a far better tool for capacity planning.

Thanks to the peeps of Intermapper for making this a great program.

-------------------- m2f --------------------

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