> You configure a notifier, and that notifier has a time range, what I`m trying 
> to do is for the same notifiers have a specific device get ignored 
> notification at a specific time range.... 

Hi Yozh,

Another way to do this is using a timed acknowledgement. 

Right-click the device, choose Acknowledge, choose Timed from the drop-down 
list for ack type, and fill in the time duration.

That method does have the disadvantage of requiring manual intervention, though.

A different approach would be to use a second probe which monitors the same 
device and notifies for problems with availability, then turn the notifiers off 
for the one monitoring CPU and memory, but have them displayed in the device 

The downside to that, of course, is no notification of CPU or memory problems 
outside the maintenance periods other than the visual display.

best regards,
Mike Maki
InterMapper Technical Support

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