On Wed, 12 Feb 2020 at 15:08, Dan Ackroyd <dan...@basereality.com> wrote:

> On Tue, 11 Feb 2020 at 13:19, Nikita Popov <nikita....@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > https://wiki.php.net/rfc/consistent_callables.
> >
> btw it's probably worth mentioning the other reason I didn't pursue
> https://wiki.php.net/rfc/consistent_callables.
> By itself, the callable type isn't much use. It only allows you to
> specify that a type can be called, but it doesn't allow you to specify
> what parameters the callable should take, or what the return type
> should be.
> Just making the callable type be consistent would be a lot of work,
> and possibly cause a lot of BC breaks and still not do the useful
> thing.
> Instead what would be far more useful would be allow people to define
> the callable signature, and use that as a type.
> callable some_callback(int $x, string $y) : int;
> function bar(some_callback $fn) {  }
> $fn_correct = function (int $x, string $y) : int {}
> $fn_wrong = function (int $x, string $y) : int {}
> Calling bar with $fn_correct should work.
> Calling bar with $fn_wrong should give a type error.
> In my opinion, pursuing that idea would be a lot more valuable than
> breaking BC for callables without much gain.
> cheers
> Dan
> Ack

Hi, internals,

I think, we are taking this very far. In Spain, we usually say: "Quien
mucho abarca, poco aprieta". In English, I think is similar to: "don’t bite
off more than you can chew" or KISS/YAGNI in development. IMO, we should
limit RFC to '::function'( scope and accept/reject ). After this, other RFC
can be added/checked like Short closures( of Michal ) or other purposes
with other variation like :interface and ::trait: ( of  Mike )

Respect to ::function:

<function_name>::function,  it should return a string like ::class. This is:

Case 1: <function_name>::function === \namespace\function_name ( when
function_name is imported )
Case 2: <function_name>::function === \current_namespace\function_name(
when <function_name>::function is below a namespace )
Case 3: <function_name>::function === \function_name( when
<function_name>::function is not below a namespace )
Case 4: \namespace\<function_name>::function === \namespace\function_name
Case 5: \<function_name>::function === \function_name ( equal of 4 but in
global context )


namespace my_project;
use function \vendor\I18n\translate;

$mapped_array = array_map(translate::function, $array);
//= $mapped_array = array_map('\vendor\I18n\translate', $array);

namespace my_project;

$mapped_array = array_map(translate::function, $array);
//= $mapped_array = array_map('\my_project\translate' $array);

$mapped_array = array_map(translate::function, $array);
//= $mapped_array = array_map('\translate' $array);

$mapped_array = array_map(\vendor\I18n\translate::function, $array);
//= $mapped_array = array_map('\vendor\I18n\translate' $array);

$mapped_array = array_map(\translate::function, $array);
//= $mapped_array = array_map('\translate' $array);

Although, cases 3, 4 or 5, can appear useless, however editors could
when is a function( and not a ordinary string ) and validate if function
exists or not.


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