Hi Niklas,

> On Feb 12, 2020, at 12:20, Niklas Keller <m...@kelunik.com> wrote:
> I think the request / response API is entirely fine being solved in
> userland instead of in php-src. However, since you already made such a
> proposal, I want to give some feedback:

Re: userland, I gave a counterargument in my reply to Mark Randall.

Even so, thanks for providing feedback in spite of that objection; I appreciate 
your time and effort.

> Naming
> I think we shouldn't take over the naming of the super globals, e.g.
> $_GET really contains the query parameters and has nothing to do with
> GET or POST, so $request->getQueryParameter(...) would be a better
> name.

/me nods

Yeah, naming is one of the hard problems. I considered $query as an alternative 
property name for $get, but in the end, the `$_GET => $get` symmetry was too 
great to ignore. If others here feel that $query is a better name for `$_GET` 
than $get, I will submit to consensus on that point.

Using a getQueryParameter() method strikes a little too close to PSR-7, and 
thereby to charges of favoritism. But let's say we do use a method instead of a 
property here, call it getQuery(); then, of the following ...

    $foo = $request->getQuery()['foo'];
    // vs
    $foo = $request->query['foo'];

... the latter (using a property) looks and feels more appropriate to me. Thus, 
the RFC specifies properties over methods for ServerRequest.

> Type Safety
> I think the API should be type safe. Currently $request->get['key']
> can be null | string | string[] | ... Most parameters only appear a
> single time, so a method returning the first parameter value or null
> could be used instead.

This sounds a little like using `$_REQUEST` instead of `$_GET`, `$_POST`, and 
`$_COOKIES`. Using the "first" parameter would then depend on the order in 
which the superglobals get entered into the ServerRequest object, and/or we're 
in the business of reading and honoring the `variables_order` INI setting, at 
which point the logic starts sounding rather involved.

So while I do get the desire for type-safety, I'd prefer to avoid all that 
intricacy, and go with something much closer to what PHP itself already does. 
That is, read $get for $_GET, $post for $_POST, etc., and just go with what is 
stored there.

> API Issues
> I don't see any reason to keep specials such as
> $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] vs. $request->requestedWith, which
> is just another HTTP header.

I get that; $requestedWith in 1.x was a boolean $xhr, to let you know if 
`$_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] === 'XmlHttpRequest'`. It struck me that 
there might be different values in the future, and so moved to just 
$requestedWith instead. I am not attached to that particular property; if 
others agree, I am OK with removing it.

> If there's $_SERVER['HTTP_X_HTTP_METHOD_OVERRIDE'] => $request->method
> and $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] => $request->method, how can I get the
> original  (actual) method?

The $method property is a calculated value: if there is a method override on a 
POST, $method is the override; otherwise, it is the "actual" method. So:

- $request->server['REQUEST_METHOD'] is the original (actual) method,
- $request->server['HTTP_X_METHOD_OVERRIDE'] is the override method, and
- $request->method is the "calculated" value between them.

You can see the code here: 

> Given 'echo $content; => $response->setContent($content);', shouldn't
> this rather be something like `addContent()`?

That looks like poor describing on my part in the RFC. It is more true to say 
that these are equivalent:

    echo $content;
    // =>

I will try to make that more apparent in the RFC.

> How does streaming responses work? There's ServerResponseSender, but I think 
> this should
> be part of the Response API.

Here's an example:

    $fh = fopen('/path/to/file.ext', 'rb');
    // ...

When the ServerResponseSender calls $response->getContent() and detects a 
resource, it calls rewind() on that resource, then fpassthru(). That should 
stream through nicely.

For more information, please see the ServerResponseSender methods at 
<https://github.com/pmjones/ext-request#methods-2> under the sendContent() 

• If the content is a resource, it is sent using rewind() and then fpassthru().

• If the content is a callable object or closure, it is invoked, and then its 
return value (if any) is echoed as a string; note that object returns will be 
cast to string at this point, invoking the __toString() method if present.

• Otherwise, the content is echoed as a string; note that objects will be cast 
to string at this point, invoking the __toString() method if present.

There are limitations to that approach, but experience has shown that it covers 
the vast majority of common requirements.

> The Request object should be mutable, e.g. you might want to change
> the client IP to be based on a x-forwarded-header instead of the TCP
> source address.

That's a great example.

First, note that ServerRequest avoids setting a $clientIp property. Further, 
*extensions* to the ServerRequest object might well be mutable. So, to go with 
your example, you would be well within bounds to do something like this:

    class MyServerRequest extends ServerRequest
        private $clientIp;

        public function __construct(array $globals, ?string $content = null)
            parent::__construct($globals, $content);
            if ($this->forwarded) {
                $this->clientIp = // ...

        public function getClientIp()
            return $this->clientIp;

You could do that for all your custom calculations on a ServerRequest object.

> Other Commentary
>> A: It supports async exactly as much as PHP itself does.
> Not really. PHP has built-in stream_select / non-blocking streams, so
> supports the tools required for async out of the box.

I will address this separately, per the resolution of our private email 

Paul M. Jones

Modernizing Legacy Applications in PHP

Solving the N+1 Problem in PHP

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