My main question would be how this will affect 3rd party extensions, which are currently using autoconf. Will they need to migrate to cmake, or will we have to effectively maintain both build systems?

Unless 3rd party extensions vendor php-src and/or do something extra
besides what they are instructed to do in the docs (phpize and all the
fun stuff), you can perfectly retain the external functionality for
existing consumers of php-src with the right amount of build system
engineering, which is what I'm offering here.

You could choose this to be maintained for as long as necessary with a
clear migration guide documenting what needs to change, which shouldn't
be a lengthy document if we assume the happy path mentioned above. I am
always available to dispense help for 3rd parties regarding CMake if

Regarding that last bit, would it make sense to create a new mailing
list (php.cmake?) where questions could be posted, answered and nicely

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