We cannot break that without giving sufficient time to the respective
maintainers to update these extensions to use the new CMake build
system.  If we can maintain both build chains for some years

Yes, gradually phasing the current build system out is the most
pragmatic choice, although it will incur some extra maintenance cost for
the time it's still in use, but it's better to do something sooner than
later. This will also allow php-src to drop the Windows SDK altogether
that was recently moved to the GH org, because Microsoft stopped

Wrt. requiring some package manager, such as Conan: I think we
should try to keep the build requirements at a minimum.

I have absolutely no intention of dependency manager lock-in. Conan
allows transparent integration with CMake and it also makes grabbing
things like bison trivial on Windows. For Linux users, they can happily
continue to use their system dependency manager *or* opt into using
Conan, but the choice is left up to the one building the project, not
the project itself.

I have this example repository I have created to show transparent Conan
usage with a CMake project:

The only way the project ever interacts with Conan is if the preset used
to configure inherits from the "conan" preset, otherwise CMake will not
be provided with additional prefixes to search from Conan.

Please note that this repository was made before I was made aware that
using their utility script "conan.cmake" isn't really the best way to
use Conan in CMake projects and it's really intended as stopgap
solution. I will look into profiles and make use of Conan properly
eventually, which means I will use the above project as a playground to
test things first.

Regarding the discussion platform for a potential CMake migration,
maybe a Github project could be helpful.

Either way works for me as long as people with questions can reach me or
other interested parties regarding CMake. I guess GH has the added
advantage of better discoverability than mailing lists.

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