Hi all,

The week, where applications were open is over. And I also saw the available 
candidates already got mentioned on the wiki page of PHP 8.2. So I'm curious 
when will voting start and how long will it last?

Thanks in advance


From: Joe Watkins <krak...@gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2022 6:14:24 AM
To: Eric Mann <e...@eamann.com>
Cc: PHP internals <internals@lists.php.net>
Subject: Re: [PHP-DEV] PHP 8.2 Release Manager Selection

Hi all,

Applications are open for a week.

Two people will be chosen by election and a veteran will help them.

If no other veteran comes forward I will continue in that role for 8.2.


On Tue, 26 Apr 2022, 21:21 Eric Mann via internals, <internals@lists.php.net>

> I'm new to this mailing list as I'd previously (and very mistakenly)
> assumed it was meant for existing contributors. So I've always consumed
> conversations via web-based aggregators rather than directly.
> My mistake.
> That being said, I am very interested in being a part of this release.
> I've been using PHP since ~2005 and cut my teeth on PHP4. Since then,
> I've covered everything from Fortran to VB.net and C# to Ruby to Python
> to Golang. Today I write a mix of Python and PHP primarily (with a
> smattering of Go and a curiosity about Rust). I'm not a C guru, but in
> previous roles worked with several of them and can follow my way around
> a C codebase. I've frequently gone spelunking through PHP's system to
> help document various methods or interfaces exposed by the standard
> library as well.
> I am in no way a veteran PHP RM, but I am a fairly experienced RM with
> private codebases. I live and breathe in Git, love automation, and have
> been accused of more than a passing fancy in security as well. Somewhere
> along the line I managed to coax php[architect] into publishing my book
> on the OWASP Top Ten, and they still put up with my monthly security
> column as well.
> In other words, I'd love to be a part of this and am more than happy to
> answer any and all questions y'all want to throw my way.
> ~Eric Mann
> On 4/26/22 11:27 PM, Sergey Panteleev wrote:
> > From: *Sergey Panteleev* <ser...@sergeypanteleev.com>
> > Date: Tue, Apr 26, 2022 at 11:27 AM
> > Subject: [PHP-DEV] PHP 8.2 Release Manager Selection
> > To: Christoph M. Becker <cmbecke...@gmx.de>, PHP internals
> > <internals@lists.php.net>
> >
> >
> > Hey Christoph,
> >
> > Do we choose one rookie for this release or two (as for 8.1)?
> >
> > Also, maybe define some kind of deadline for submitting applications
> > and the voting phase, thoughts?
> >
> > —
> > wbr,
> > Sergey Panteleev
> >
> --
> Security Principles for PHP Applications
> <https://www.phparch.com/books/security-principles-for-php-applications/>
> *Eric Mann
> * Tekton
> *PGP:*0x63F15A9B715376CA <https://keybase.io/eamann>
> *P:*503.925.6266
> *E:*e...@eamann.com
> eamann.com <https://eamann.com>
> ttmm.io <https://ttmm.io>
> Twitter icon <https://twitter.com/ericmann> LinkedIn icon
> <https://www.linkedin.com/in/ericallenmann/>

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