Hi internals,

Almost a year ago I first proposed my RFC draft to introduce a new json_encode parameter 'indent'. I have received a lot of feedback on the change, very insightful. The feedback can be boiled down to:
- Accepting user input characters means you could create invalid JSON.
  Do we want that? Should it be complying with the spec[1]?
- Preference for pure types, so int OR string, not both.

So I think I made the change more complex than it should have been and considered the three options: 1) Accept indent as an int, which will result in N spaces of indent per indentation level. 2) Accept indent as a string, which will result in string N per indentation level. 3) Accept indent as an int and indent_char as string, which will result in N * indent_char per indentation level.

Option 1 seems very simple and feasible while not being confusing.
Option 2 seems feasible, but somewhat more complex, because user input should be validated. Option 3 seems very flexible, but in my opinion very confusing at the same time, while I'm not sure there's even a use case for this level of flexibility.

I have updated the pull request[2] and RFC[3] to be based on option 1, as I think this offers clear functionality and I feel like I can't really go wrong with the indent parameter as an int.

Please let me know what your thoughts are and what needs to be done to get this RFC going forward!


Kind regards,

[1] https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc4627
[2] https://github.com/php/php-src/pull/7093
[3] https://wiki.php.net/rfc/json_encode_indentation

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