On 7/3/22 18:01, Jakub Zelenka wrote:
  I think we can put this RFC to the vote. If the author is to busy I would
like to start voting later this week. It would be a pity not to make it to
feature freeze as it is quite straight forward and the implementation seems
good as well so I guess we don't need to wait extra year. :)



This RFC really should have included an option to use tabs instead of spaces, which is, IMO, even more important than having a parameter for the number of spaces. This could take the form of either

(a) a magic indent value such as -1, or

(b) a new flag (suggested name: JSON_INDENT_USING_TABS).

There should be no need to support indenting using multiple tabs per level; for option (b), the value of the indent parameter should be ignored.

An indent-using-tabs flag would even be useful for generating two-space indented JSON, should the proposed indent parameter be rejected. The reason is that tabs cannot occur within JSON string representations, so any other indent string is a simple str_replace() away. In contrast, replacing the current four-space indent with anything else is more complicated to do efficiently[1].

[1]: https://github.com/wikimedia/mediawiki/blob/210a34369ac8f0ba74b497d0b2298ca7e5a0bffb/includes/json/FormatJson.php#L113-L117

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