Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:

Just to clarify, I didn't propose taking the PEAR PEPr system verbatim.
To be honest, I have never really used it, beyond skimming through things
because it is handy that everything is in one place.  I don't find our
feature/change request category in the bugs database to be all that
effective.  Things tend to get lost in the noise there.

I am not sure it would be effective, but I think it might be worth a try
to have a single place for people to propose features and changes and to
have an organized record of decisions surrounding these proposals.  At the
same time I absolutely hate using a web system for discussing things, so
such a system should have an email gateway.

As in:

 1. Submit proposal to web app
 2. web app sends it to internals@ or some other relevant list
 3. Replies to that email automatically get picked up by the web app
 4. Alternatively, you can add comments via the web app which would
    also get bounced to the relevant mailing list

One thing we could do is have a "TAG" message in our existing lists, when a discussion like this one becomes noteworthy, someone could respond with a subject "[TAG: Feature Request]" and that would propagate the conversation to the necessary portion of the web app?


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