El vie, 26 ago 2022 a las 11:00, Michał Marcin Brzuchalski
(<michal.brzuchal...@gmail.com>) escribió:
> A `json_decode()` is a substitute that IMO solves 99% of use cases.
> If I'd follow your logic and accept every small addition that handles 1% of 
> use cases, somebody will raise another RFC
> for simplexml_validate_string or yaml_validate and the next 
> PhpToken::validate.
> All above can be valid if we trust that people normally validate 300MB 
> payloads to do nothing if they DON'T fail and there is nothing strange about 
> that.
> Cheers,

How can you make such an assertion in those numbers (99% of use cases
and son on, that you mention) ? Can you give us more information about
this assertions?

I have provide real examples where the need to validate-only a
json-string is actually needed, also the need from our developers
community asking for this.

RFC: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/json_validate

Implementation: https://github.com/php/php-src/pull/9399

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