> whether returning boolean is the right thing to do at all. It seems obviously
> intuitive it should, returning true for valid and false for invalid JSON
> but then if you consider you're still going to be in the situation of
> calling json_last_error() if you want to know why invalid JSON was invalid
> and in particular you might not expect the "last error" to have changed
> just from an attempt to check a string. How can there be an error when by
> definition you weren't trying to do anything except check the validity of
> some unknown data? Not sure what the answer is there...curious what other
> people's views are on that. I don't think throwing an exception on invalid
> JSON is the right answer in any case.

One of the reasons why I like `json_validate` over `is_json` is that
the former does not imply a boolean return value as strongly as the

I think we should not modify any state with the `json_validate`
function, and I'd be happy with the function returning 0 for a valid
JSON, or the error code as an integer (`JSON_ERROR_STATE_MISMATCH`,
`JSON_ERROR_SYNTAX`, etc.). `JSON_ERROR_NONE` constant is already
assigned 0, so they align quite well too.

As for exceptions, I too think throwing an exception here is an
anti-pattern. It makes perfect sense to throw on `json_decode` if the
program doesn't want to deal with invalid JSON gracefully. But calling
`json_validate` is an intended call, and returning an error is
excepted, and not an exception.

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