
  - having to subscribe to a mailing list to even see the discussions

Not really, there are archives.

  - having to learn the specific, uncommon rules of replying: bottom

If learning a couple of very simple rules is too much for you, maybe you are too busy to take on yourself another responsibility such as participating in PHP development. Encouraging drive-by commentary is not something that is a goal here.

  - no formatting, especially code blocks. Sure, they are possible through
HTML, but there's no single common way which all of the emailing clients
will understand - like Markdown

If you have code to contribute, feel free to use pull requests. The list is for discussion, and the short blocks appropriate in a discussion would do fine with simple copy-paste.

  - no reactions - it's hard to tell whether something is supported or not.

It's not Instagram. Collecting likes is not the goal. If the vote needs to be held, we have the RFC process.

Based on those issues and PHP, I propose moving the discussions elsewhere -

I am not really very active anymore on the development side but I would say it would make it strictly worse to move the discussion. Especially on Github which is not very suitable for such things - it is suitable for sharing and managing code.

Also, there already are Slack channels for PHP - and you can create another one if you feel like it (or a group on any other social platform, if many existing groups are not enough).

What are your thoughts?

Not a good idea.

Stas Malyshev

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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