
 I'm not sure why it's assumed that participating in discussions is the same as actually developing PHP. I'm sure there are plenty of folks

Right. And participating meaningfully requires some level of commitment and investment. For example, willingness to familiarize oneself with some very simple rules and follow them. If that's not for you, that's fine - there are many other interesting things to do on the internet. But it's not a problem.

why internals mails list is open to the public? So they the public can actually collaborate on the open source product they're using?

Yes. And "collaborate" means mutual labor. Part of the labor on the site of the new participant is to get familiar with the rules of the community. They are not very hard, extensive or complicated. Very little effort is required. But yes, non-zero effort - that's the "collaboration" part.

"Likes" wasn't my intention. There's no point in wasting countless hours on an RFC if it's clear ahead of time that it's not going to pass; and right now, even within this thread, it's hard to predict that. And,

Don't predict - just ask people. If it's any good, you're guaranteed plenty of engagement, if anything, frequently too much of it.

choice. While not perfect in any sense, reactions provide a meaningful simple way of communicating this relevance with a simple thumbs up/down.

Simple? Yes. Meaningful? Meh.

Stas Malyshev

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