On Fri, Apr 28, 2023 at 11:00 AM Jakub Zelenka <bu...@php.net> wrote:

> Hi,
> The vote is now open for the RFC about introduction of the PHP Technical
> Committee:
> https://wiki.php.net/rfc/php_technical_committee
> Regards
> Jakub

Hi Jakob.

Sorry for not participating in the discussion phase but I would like to
give my explanation on why I voted No.
You made a good job in distinguishing the user-facing from the technical
changes to say what can and can't be decided by the TC, but the first can't
live with the second.
Then, it allows the TC to have conversations and vote in private in matters
that until today have always been public. Of course developers are allowed
to talk to each other wherever they want, but what matters is said in
"unless the provided implementation would result in introduction of new
bugs, side effects not mentioned in the RFC, significant performance
penalties not mentioned in RFC, or if there is an equivalent implementation
in progress that the TC finds more appropriate." is ample enough that it
can allow anything to be rejected.

Overall, the idea of having a group of people that developers can ask for
some guidance from is great, but that group shouldn't have any extra rights
to block anything whatsoever.

To demonstrate good faith and unequivocally show that this is not an
attempt at a power grab, it would be a nice gesture for the authors of the
RFC to include their withdrawal from ever holding a seat in the technical
council in the text of the RFC itself.

Best regards,

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