On Mon, 1 May 2023 at 19:29, Jakub Zelenka <bu...@php.net> wrote:

> Hi,
> Thanks for the feedback.
> On Mon, May 1, 2023 at 4:09 PM Benjamin Außenhofer <kont...@beberlei.de>
> wrote:
> However the main problem with the RFC process is that for purely technical
> changes it could result in a set of rules that will limit core development.
> When the previous disagreement happened, it ended up with this sort of RFC:
> https://wiki.php.net/rfc/code_optimizations . I know that it was later
> withdrawn but just imaging the impact of this being accepted and honoured.
> And also why should something like this be decided by people that have
> nothing to do with a core development? That was actually one of the main
> triggers for this initiative and we wanted come up with something sensible
> that would decide those sort of things in a better way.
> Cheers
> Jakub

I do want to point out that framing what happened with that RFC as
"withdrawn" is analogous to "covering up a murder".

The Internals list basically bullied a new contributor to dropping it and
made them give up on ever committing their work to the PHP project.
Actually, multiple people, because if I understand it correctly, there was
at least one colleague of them who also was doing some work and they
dropped everything too.


Arvīds Godjuks
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