On Tue, May 9, 2023 at 4:38 AM Larry Garfield <la...@garfieldtech.com> wrote:
> Ilija Tovilo and I would like to offer another RFC for your consideration.  
> It's been a while in coming, and we've evolved the design quite a bit just in 
> the last week so if you saw an earlier draft of it in the past few months, I 
> would encourage you to read it over again to make sure we're all on the same 
> page.  I'm actually pretty happy with where it ended up, even if it's not the 
> original design.  This approach eliminates several hard-to-implement edge 
> cases while still providing a lot of functionality in one package.
> https://wiki.php.net/rfc/property-hooks
> --
>   Larry Garfield
>   la...@garfieldtech.com

Hi Larry

Can the engine detect these logical errors?
public string $fullName = "hendra gunawan" => $this->first . " " . $this->last;

// or with my proposal:
public string $fullName = "hendra gunawan" get => $this->first . " " .

// or even this one:
public string $fullName = "hendra gunawan" {
  get => $this->first . " " . $this->last;
  set => [$this->first, $this->last] = explode(" ", $value);

There is no automatic backing store value created to store the default value.

Terima Kasih.

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