On Mon, May 8, 2023, at 4:38 PM, Larry Garfield wrote:
> Ilija Tovilo and I would like to offer another RFC for your 
> consideration.  It's been a while in coming, and we've evolved the 
> design quite a bit just in the last week so if you saw an earlier draft 
> of it in the past few months, I would encourage you to read it over 
> again to make sure we're all on the same page.  I'm actually pretty 
> happy with where it ended up, even if it's not the original design.  
> This approach eliminates several hard-to-implement edge cases while 
> still providing a lot of functionality in one package.
> https://wiki.php.net/rfc/property-hooks
> -- 
>   Larry Garfield
>   la...@garfieldtech.com

Hi all.

Ilija was unfortunately hit with multiple technology failures this month, which 
slowed down final development of the hooks proposal.  While we’re pretty 
comfortable and happy with the design at this point (and it seems most people 
in the discussion thread are as well), Ilija is concerned about passing it this 
close to feature freeze, on the off chance that some undiscovered 
implementation detail may necessitate a small API change (and thus another RFC).

Given the timing, therefore, we’re also going to delay the vote until later 
this summer (probably), after Ilija’s had time to bang on the implementation a 
bit further to make sure there’s no hidden gotchas.  That will unfortunately 
push it to the 8.4 cycle.  On the upside, that will give it a very long 
settling-in time so that by the time it shows up in a stable version it’s rock 

Thanks for sticking with us.  We’ll provide another update when Ilija’s 
comfortable with the state of the implementation.

--Larry Garfield

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