On Wed, Oct 18, 2023, at 11:01 AM, Alex Wells wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 17, 2023 at 10:40 PM Rowan Tommins <rowan.coll...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Using the same syntax for type information that is guaranteed to be true
>> (existing run-time checks) and type information that is "advisory only"
>> (new checks for optional static analysis) means users can no longer have
>> confidence in that type information.
>  If "syntax only" solution was temporary then warning users through some
> kind of opt-in mechanism (like with strict_types=1) may be enough - that
> way users will know that generics type information is "advisory only" and
> that this might change in the future. In some other languages (Kotlin)
> there are opt-in mechanism for experimental features - ones that are
> possibly incomplete, unstable or non-final, and it's working quite well for
> them.
> On the other hand, I can see a "third way": if the problem with current
>> static analysis conventions is that they have to be parsed out of a
>> string-based docblock, we can provide *dedicated* syntax, without
>> unifying it with the standard type syntax. For instance, some of the
>> earlier discussions around introducing attributes suggested reflection
>> expose the AST of the attributes arguments, rather than the resolved
>> expressions, allowing them to act a bit like Rust's "hygienic macros".
>> If that was added as an optional mode, you might be able to do something
>> like this:
>  The community has just now decided on the PHPDoc syntax for generics, has
> just started widely adopting them in packages and has just got first-party
> support from PHPStorm. I doubt that migrating to yet another temporary
> solution (one that still doesn't address all of the concerns) is a good
> idea right now.

That's fine for systems already invested in building and maintaining a docblock 
parser.  But that's a not-small lift.

In contrast, I built a serialization library that relies heavily on attributes. 
 Most are opt-in, but for array properties, you really have to use one of 
#[SequenceField(Type::class)] or #[DictionaryField(Type::class, keyType: 
KeyType::String] so the system knows if it's a sequence or dictionary, and what 
the types are.  It just can't do most things without that knowledge.

I didn't want to add custom, proprietary attributes for that, but it was better 
than either writing a docblock parser myself or adding and figuring out how to 
use a 3rd party dependency.  I am not happy with this solution.

If there was some universally recognized #[Array(Type::int)] (for a list of 
ints) or #[Array(Type::string, Foo::class)] (for a string-keyed dict of Foo 
objects), I could easily access through the reflection/attribute API instead.  
That would make life a lot easier for both me and anyone using my library, as 
they wouldn't need to specify that information twice in two different forms.  
It would still not be a "real syntax", but it would make the de facto 
convention more accessible to projects other than PHPStan and Psalm.

That said, I agree that such an attribute-based convention, while it would be 
superior to the docblock approach in almost every way, would still not belong 
in the language itself.  Save the language itself for if/when we figure out 
for-reals generics.  That would be a project for PHPStan, Psalm, and PHPStorm 
to collaborate on in user-space.  (FIG would be happy to host such a discussion 
if they were interested, but I don't know if they're at all interested.)

--Larry Garfield

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