On 3 November 2023 19:46:25 GMT, dan...@daniil.it wrote:
>Nothing will change in that sense, the only difference is the addition of 
>compile-time autoloading and type checking.
>No preloading (in the sense of no opcache configuration needed), nothing 

OK; just to explain the confusion, that's not what you were saying earlier:

> I was actually thinking of enabling these compile-time checks only if 
> preloading is enabled

Cross-file analysis on demand would also be quite a big change though - 
changing one file would need to invalidate the entire cache, or recursively 
follow tracked dependencies, maybe re-running the autoloader for all those 
possible references. The ability for live changes to one file to cause 
compilation errors in another might also be confusing.

That's why it's tied up in my mind with a native "module" concept - you could 
have some kind of isolation around a module that allowed preloading or cache 
invalidation at that level, rather than the extremes of one file or an entire 

>Not with function JIT, function JIT is the closest thing we currently have to 
>an AOT compiler in php

Even function JIT will select which functions to compile based on what's 
executed frequently. It can also have certain types of function or operation it 
can't compile, or would produce worse performance for, so leaves them to the op 
code interpreter.

I suppose you could "warm" the JIT in advance as part of preloading, but that 
seems to be mostly orthogonal to what we're talking about here in terms of 
static analysis.


Rowan Tommins

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