
On 2/15/07, Antony Dovgal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 02/15/2007 05:38 PM, Antony Dovgal wrote:
> Hello all.
> Now that the conference ads are gone, I think we should add release 
candidates announcements to the first page of php.net.
> This will add some more attention to the RCs and (I hope) will help users to 
help us in making the releases more stable.
> Any objections? I hope none.

Just to quote Greg here:

<CelloG> you could solve Steph's concern by putting the "testing release" block 
in a different place
<CelloG> put the official current release block in the upper left
<CelloG> and the testing block down on the left a little lower

This sounds like the way to go.

We also can add a detailed description of what is release candidate, what's the 
difference comparing to a release etc. to qa.php.net
and add a link to that page in the block. Actually, I'll try to write something 

Any more volunteers to patch php.net?
Hannes? You seem to be the most active person in that area atm =)

As I am all for the idea I will definitely prepare a patch


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