I'm +1 on the separate block.


Put the STABLE RELEASE link *before* any RC release.
Rationale: Users in a hurry will more likely click the first one.

Add an EXTRA page in between the homepage and download of RC saying
something not unlike:
    You are downloading a RELEASE CANDIDATE.
    This should be used for TEST PURPOSES ONLY.
Make the user read that and click an extra button/step.
Yes, it is slightly more inconvenient, and that's a Good Thing

Instead of "RELEASE CANDIDATE" just call it "UNSTABLE" or "TEST"
branch in the text of the link.

On Thu, February 15, 2007 10:42 am, Steph Fox wrote:
>> On 02/15/2007 07:22 PM, Steph Fox wrote:
>>> Hi Tony,
>>> We've been here before. Last time it got taken off again because it
>>> led
>>> to user confusion. People didn't seem to know the difference
>>> between a
>>> release candidate and a full release; "It was official, it was on
>>> php.net."
>> .. it was explained that it's not a release, but a release
>> candidate.
>> ?
> I know that, you know that, but thousands don't know what a release
> candidate even is :)
>>> Please can it be made VERY clear, both in the announcements and on
>>> the
>>> download page (qa.php.net?) that RC's are for test purposes only?
>> That depends on the wording and I hope you'll help us to find the
>> best
>> one, as a native speaker =)
> Sure. Ping me.
> - Steph
>> --
>> Wbr, Antony Dovgal
> --
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Some people have a "gift" link here.
Know what I want?
I want you to buy a CD from some starving artist.
Yeah, I get a buck. So?

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