On 5/2/07, Edin Kadribasic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Jan Reininghaus wrote:
> I would like to suggest a redesign of the page. In my opinion the page
> is too complex, so for example I find it a bit hard to match the
> information for the next snapshots in the left of the page with the
> snapshots itself on the right. I find it also complex that the source
> and the win32 packages are separated and have its own creation
> intervals. In case there is no special reason for that I would suggest
> to distribute everything together.
> I have uploaded a design I could imagine to
> http://hp-film.pytalhost.de/test/php/snaps_draw.png.

The page is a bit confusing and I didn't want too much new stuff to it
without thinking about it first. Your suggestion is promising, but it
might be a bit too wide for people that have smaller screen resolutions.
I think we need to make it look good at 1024x768.

Yes, it's very wide. So what about this: (Quick edit..)

There are some things you have missed. There are two different source
bundles (gz and bz2). "Next" build depends on the system (source or
bins) and the PHP version (we build some windows snapshots more often
than others).

> By the way, I can't follow the link to the PHP installer because I get
> the error message that the access to the file is "Forbidden".

Thanks for the heads up. This should be fixed now.

Would you be willing to produce the HTML needed for the redesign?


Else i will :)


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