David Coallier wrote:
Yes we have discussed that on IRC with edin and the whole idea was
USING tabs. So here I'll state exactly the idea as it seems to

The idea is clearly and simply to use tabs for the different branches.
Using javascript was just simple and fast in this case and yes we
should handle the tabs statically.

The only reason why we are *making it work* in javascript is not
because I want it to be in javascript, but more because I wanted to
have tabs working quickly and easy which is why I did in javascript
without the need of PHP.

I hereby say that yes, we will be using tabs as it is much easier to
code and it will work on more browsers (I am thinking of links/lynx)
for instance.

Using tabs is also a good idea, especially because you avoid space problems by that.

My second draw would look like this: http://hp-film.pytalhost.de/test/php/snaps_draw2.png Because I am currently short of time I didn't include the new features for the 5.2.x branch this time but I hope you see how I mean it...

I think it would be better to write the date for the next snapshot next to the snapshot itself (like I have done it in my draw) and not to write it in a list on the left of the page. I have some difficulties with finding out to which snapshots on the right the dates on the left belong.

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