On 03.08.2007 17:29, Uwe Schindler wrote:
I reopened the original bug reported that lead to your change.

At the moment I am trying to fix that. I moved your code a few lines down in
zend_alter_ini_entry but until now with no success.

No, that won't work I guess.
At the moment I can only think of a special hashtable storing all the values that were set during the INI_SYSTEM stage, so that users could not override them in their scripts.

I suppose there is something special with error reporting that corrupts it.

That special thing is in your config file =)

It seems that it does not like it to be changed to ZEND_INI_SYSTEM because
the @operator tries to change the value (e.g. in zend_vm_execute.h), which
fails silently:

This's a special case and it's really great you noticed it in RC..
We need a workaround for this special case, as if we make all INI directives set using php_admin_value non-changeable, we break the @ thing. So we either need to change the @ not to use zend_alter_ini_entry, or make an exception in that function, which I believe would be a hack.

Wbr, Antony Dovgal

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