On 10/9/07, Antony Dovgal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 09.10.2007 06:32, Andrei Zmievski wrote:
> > I will use an example:
> >
> > $foo = substr($bar, 0, 5) . "-" . substr($bar, 5);
> >
> > or
> >
> > $foo = $bar[:5] . "-" . $bar[5:];
> >
> > I would argue that the second line is hardly more cryptic than the
> > first one.
> How come?
> It looks like you're reading $bar[':5'], but forgot the quotes.
> On the other side, what could be easier than a function call?

operator is definitely easier because it lets us reuse the same syntax
for strings and arrays (and people would need to learn one operator
instead of 2 functions and 2 different concatenation operators)

> > And if we were concerned that concerned about duplicate
> > functionality, we probably wouldn't have SimpleXML and similar things.
> Mistakes done in the past do not mean we should continue to do them in the 
> future.

simplexml is a mistake? :-/
then DOM is, probably, a mistake too… (it can be implemented in
userland using SAX functions)

I always thought, that simplexml was the reason xml became "fun" in
php (and that was the reason which made a lot xml-programmers upgrade
to php5)

Alexey Zakhlestin

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