A few people had already given fairly clear reply as to why things happen the way they do, but since it seems are you still unclear about cause, I'll regurgitate the past comments once again. ;-)

First of all you should keep in mind that PHP is an open source project as is the case with many other such projects, people who are contributing their time and effort are volunteers. Thus they tend to focus on things that are interesting to them, such as the extensions they've written, components of the language they use for their day-to- day work, etc... So while there maybe a good number of "Core Developers" few may look at bugs in areas they are not interested in or feel they lack detailed knowledge about the workings of a particular code. As such few extensions have more then one author/ contributor/maintainer and most developers tend to specialize in various areas of the language.

There are certainly some components like the standard extension or the language core where there is more then one contributor, but generally each extension is being actively maintained by a little as one person or as many as 3 at the most. Unless the extension is abandoned by its author, other developers will as a rule not get involved in its development, unless previously cleared by the author to do so, or making a trivial change/fix. In the case of the SOAP extension, there is a fairly active maintainer (who also happens to be the author) who knows the extension the best and does his best to fix issues in said extension as CVS log will show.

I appreciate the frustration you may have with having a bug sit for some time and waiting for someone to examine it, even though it has a patch attached. That said most bugs do get fixed, especially those with patches attached to them. Some developers may wait till RC is announced before going through their bug queue, so that they can examine all outstanding issues in one go rather then look at them individually to save time, which can contribute to a slow response.


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