On 21.02.2008, at 03:26, Andi Gutmans wrote:

I think Traits should be able to act as a self-contained behavior which can always be expected to work. For example if I want a Counter behavior I would like that not to depend on the properties in the containing class. While I don't think we should enable public nor protected properties in Traits I think allowing for private properties in Traits would come in very handy. It also is no problem when it comes to mangling as we can use the Trait name.

class Trait {
        private $counter = 0;
        function getNextSerialNumber() {
                return $this->counter++;

I strongly recommend not to support protected/public and not to even get into the discussion of dealing with conflicts of such properties. But I think private is very useful.

Of course this could be nice, but I think this is maybe the point where one should move to delegate?

I haven't thought this through completely but I think we may want to consider a different model from supporting "removing" and "aliasing" of functions. I think this can create a lot of complications especially in larger works and it'll be write-once code and hard for a newcomer to the code to really understand.

I think the main reason to support removing/aliasing of functions is in order to avoid conflicts with other Traits/Class methods. Maybe what we can do is to have only "aliasing" but what it would do is to create a public function with the new name and convert the old function into a private function.
- Keeps the old code from running predictably without breaking dependencies. - Possibly even allowing some form of "is-a" relationship to continue to be valid (and therefore the interface discussion may even be resolved; at least to a certain level). In the case I faced an is-a relationship (i.e. working instanceof operator) would have been nice.

I am probably not seeing the obvious here, but how does making the function private solve the naming collisions?


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