On 21.02.2008, at 19:09, Andi Gutmans wrote:

I don't think so. I think the value here is not copy&paste but to be able to encapsulate some functionality which a class can be decorated with. Giving a basic storage mechanism to that would be very beneficial in a large amount of uses. Again, I am proposing private storage only which would be for internal use-only by the decorating methods.

if someone desperately needs that they could just write a method with a static variable.

class foo {
    function bar($value = null) {
        if (!isset($var)) {
            static $var = 'bar';
        if (func_num_args() > 0) {
            $var = $value;
        return $var;

$foo = new foo();


ok its a hack .. but you can see how this could work. and you could even expand it to handle an arbitrary number of "properties" in a self contained method. all you need to do is find a name that doesnt clash.

again i prefer to keep the feature as simple as possible without crippeling it the point of not being useful.


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