
Andi Gutmans schrieb:
I think Traits should be able to act as a self-contained behavior which can
> always be expected to work. For example if I want a Counter behavior I would like > that not to depend on the properties in the containing class. While I don't
> think we should enable public nor protected properties in Traits I think
> allowing for private properties in Traits would come in very handy. It also
> is no problem when it comes to mangling as we can use the Trait name.

class Trait {
        private $counter = 0;
        function getNextSerialNumber() {
                return $this->counter++;

I strongly recommend not to support protected/public and not to even get into
> the discussion of dealing with conflicts of such properties.
> But I think private is very useful.
Hope I got it right, since your example is a class?

Ok, stateful traits are useful in the sense of having self-contained units of reuse. Personally, I prefer them over stateless traits.
But, here we will get additional confusion.

You don't like to handle with visibilities of properties? Fine :)
One way to do stateful traits is described in http://www.iam.unibe.ch/~scg/Archive/Papers/Berg07eStatefulTraits.pdf

But the way you have proposed is stricter and may be sufficient.

To avoid confusion and misconception I would like to change your proposal a bit. Private does suggest a semantics like methods, and would require to apply the flattening on properties like on methods. Since we do not like to handle conflicts, this would have to be done a bit different, in my opinion.

Let's change ``private`` to ``local``:
trait TCounter {
  local $counter = 0;
    function getNextSerialNumber() {
    return $this->counter++;

class Website {
  use TCounter;

The resulting composition would have a property resulting from the TCounter property, but is only accessible from a method of the specific trait, i.e., it is composition local.

Just an additional though :)

Kind Regards

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