On Wed, Mar 26, 2008 at 9:38 PM, Stanislav Malyshev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi!
>  > This feature can then be optional in ext/date. That should not be an
>  > issue for those not willing to use a reliable date formatting system
>  > as they are certainly not interested in intl either.
>  I think making it optional in ext/date would be harder. On top of that,
>  optional functions in existing classes aren't really easy to work with -
>  they are hard to check for, it would be harder to explain people how to
>  enable it if missing, and it will definitely be harder to maintain.

I meant to make the DateFormatter class not available when ICU is not available.

>  > You can't add code in 5.2 but you can add everything feature you wish
>  > in pecl/intl. The only extra work is an extra commit for the date
>  Do I understand it right that you propose copying code from intl to
>  ext/date?

I meant to duplicate the code from ext/date (where it belongs) in
pecl/intl. Please notice the "pecl/intl" not php-src/ext. The goal is
to provide the DateFormatter feature to php 5.2 users.

> If so, I think it would be counterproductive - the code is a
>  well-encapsulated module, which can exist on its own, it will require
>  rewriting (including probably importing a set of utility functions) for
>  putting it into ext/date and will not provide additional function but
>  only code duplication.

As Derick said, it should be in ext/date. I quickly reviewed the
dateformat/* code and did not catch any stopping point to actually
move the code in ext/date. I agree that it will add some tiny extra
work but it is really worth the effort. Having the date code in one
place will benefit the users, from a quality and usability point of

>  > That's the only clean solution I can think about if you like to have
>  > the date formatter available for 5.2 users. But I will rather drop it
>  > for 5.2 if it is a show stopper to do it in ext/date in 5.3+.
>  We do not want to drop date formatter, especially since it is a working
>  code that provides function required by people. As far as I can see, it
>  also does not cause any problem or any conflict with anything, and
>  integrating it with ext/date functionally can easily be done while it is
>  separate from ext/date code-wise. Actually, it was initially planned -
>  i.e. having formatter to accept/create objects produced by ext/date -
>  but we didn't have resources to make it happen for now. If we wrap it
>  now for 1.0 release, we still can do it for 1.1.

That could work as well as long as it is:

- completely transparent to the users (no worry here)
- team work and (very) good communication  between ext/date
maintainers and intl maintainers (I worry more here ;), that means
ext/date maintainers should have a word/voice in intl :)

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